Who We Are

We aspire to provide a safe and reliable digitally-connected lifestyle that enables the best possible learning, productivity, and entertainment experiences.

The SysDrive Vision

Our Core Values

Balance core value icon

Empower an environment that is conducive to creating the optimal work/life balance.

Excellence core value icon

Encourage a culture of excellence by rewarding those who create great outcomes by skipping good for best.

Improvement core value icon

Continuously improve not only ourselves, but our customers, by always asking how to be better.

Integrity core value icon

Always honor others through intentionally choosing honesty, respect, and kindness.

Service core value icon

Support each other in our own personal responsibility to make a positive impact in our world.

Our History

Original SysDrive logo from 1996
Original SysDrive logo from 1998

Originally founded in 1996, SysDrive began from a project to test the limits of video editing on a Packard-Bell Pentium-based home PC. What amounted to a less than 5-minute slide-show with background music took up the entire space available on a CD-ROM and struggled to play from start to finish without skipping. During this time the World Wide Web was starting to become common in American households (not just major universities and research centers), and technologies such as dial-up modems, HTML, and Netscape Navigator were the buzzwords.

Over the next several years, SysDrive focused on rapidly maturing network and Internet-based technologies, creating custom systems (that we’d now identify as apps) for inventory management, Internet & intranet websites, design and installation of network cabling in offices, and even simple games to help train employees.

Today, SysDrive continues to offer a full range of services and support for both home and business, with a focus on digital security. As our lifestyles continue becoming more “connected”, the need for safety is paramount. No matter what your priorities for technology may be – learning, productivity, or entertainment – our focus is to keep your technology safe and reliable.